*Pricing Based on Number of Messages:
Effective 7/15/2019: The pricing will be changing from being based on number of contacts to number of messages.
*New Monthly Pricing Tiers:
Tier 1: $10 for 100 messages. 10 cents per additional message.
Tier 2: $20 for 500 messages. 4 cents per additional message.
Tier 3: $39 for 1000 messages. 3.9 cents per additional message.
Tier 4: $69 for 2500 messages. 2.76 cents per additional message.
Tier 5: $129 for 5000 messages. 2.58 cents per additional message.
*Important Reminders:
- Example: If you are sending the same message to 100 kids, that counts as 100 messages.
- It’s important to note that those receiving the messages must still opt-in to receive messages before they will receive them.
- Please note that anyone who has already opted in will be automatically opted in when our new technology is implemented.